Behavior score is very important for every players alike. Your behavior score will indicate where you should play against bad or well behave players.
What Is Behavior Score?
Behavior Score is a number rating of over 1-10,000, having 10,000 is the maximum score, that means your not toxic.
How Important Is My Behavior Score?
Having higher behavior score will able to make you play with similar high behavior score players. And doing so you'll get better experience overall.
Why My Behavior Score Is Low?
Leaving The Game
Leaving the game, will deduct your behavior score by a large margin, its mostly between 1000 points that will be deducted.
Being Toxic
For Being toxic, your exposing yourself to reports. And by continuing so your score will be deducted every time you do bad deeds.
Disruptive Gameplay
"Disruptive gameplay includes ability abuse, intentional feeding, going afk or similar behavior"
Cheating or MMR Abuse
"Cheating includes artificial manipulation of matchmaking or MMR, auto cast scripts, map hacking, or similar behavior."
Did Not Play Selected Role/Position
You pick a hero that doesn't fit on your hero's role.
How To Raise My Score?
There's so much factors to consider, to raise your score and here's some of them.
Play Turbo
By playing Turbo, your able to raise your behavior score because your mmr is not on the line. Your less likely to get reported because the game mode is super casual and pretty fun to play.
Lots of players commends other players on this game modes because of how casual the game is.
Don't Report Players Unnecessarily.
It doesn't improve your behavior score but will change the way how you see things. By reporting the wrong person you'll make their games less enjoyable just having a bad game, being new and having mistakes.
Save it for players that flat out toxic players, cheaters, and disruptive players. Make yourself a better example for the community.
Commend Them
Only commend players that are worth to commend. Even if the person is good in the game, it doesn't mean you should commend them, you must also know if they're not toxic during the game.
Commending is not just for your team. Commend the enemy team as well! If the enemy outplayed you, getting angry is not the right response, just acknowledge them and learn your mistakes and tell them good game well played! and commend!
By giving commends, they will surely commend you back if you play well or just being a friendly player from your team and enemy team as well.
Don't Talk Back To Toxic Players / Don't be Toxic
By not getting triggered by everything those toxic players throws at you, by being chill they will more likely to give up on you.
Don't use triggered words like noob, racial slurs and chatwheels such as "we need wards".
Don't take out your frustrations to blame others.
Note: if you don't use any form of communication in the game but the enemy or your ally reported you for "communication reports" will never be accepted. Which means their reports are not counted.
Be Optimistic And Friendly
Being optimistic and friendly, your showing yourself to others that your a good person.
And of course by being a funny person, you can lighten than mood if your team is losing, this will give your team better chances of winning but even if you and your team losses there's a chance that they will commend you.
Forgive Players
Some players says sorry for bad plays, you should forgive them, this will may give you some commends rather than reports.
Stop Being Disruptive In Game
Sometimes some people don't follow the rules of the game so that they can have their own fun, and by doing so they're ruining other player's games whether its for casual or competitive.
For not being disruptive in the game which includes ability abuse, intentional feeding, going AFK, your team and the enemy team wont report you because your not ruining the game for other players.
Don't Multitask While Gaming (Using Other Applications While Playing)
By using other programs besides dota 2 such as facebook, this will make you AFK and hinder you from winning and in turn will get you reports.
If your only focusing the game, you'll have better chance to win by maximizing your time in the game than just watching some videos on the internet.
Don't Teach Players What To Do
Even if you have more knowledge than him/her, players nowadays don't want to be taught by some strangers. So don't bother teaching them even if its outright wrong or face being reported if your unlucky.
But there's always an exception though, so it will be a gamble. Just wait the player to ask you when they need help and then you can help them and the more chances you'll get commended.
Save it instead for your friends that wanted to improve, if you really want to teach someone.
Watch Your Own Behavior
I'm not talking about your behavior score, I'm talking about how you behave in game. By analyzing of how you act and how you behave to such situations, by doing so you'll less likely to get reported by being a non toxic person.
When you play with friends this would make you enjoy the game more. And some cases your friends forgive you more than an absolute strangers.
They will surely commend you back even if your really bad in the game or lose some MMR.
The only problem if your friends are toxic towards the enemy team or ally, just tell your friends to stop it and focus in the game if they won't, try to avoid joining in or be silent during the game, and could potentially save you for not being reported (if you really want to not get reported badly).
Don't Play Unorthodox Builds/ Roles
If you really want to improve your score just avoid it for now. Sometimes your teammates think that you selected the wrong hero on your particular role, and may report you on the start of the game without realizing that your good at it.
But if you really good at it and you really want to win then you may consider it and of course maybe you could earn some commends along the way just by stomping the game.
Wait And Pause For Other PlayersPause it even if its your enemy, by showing your generosity they will mostly likely commend you for being a good sport.
Play The Role That Your Good At
Play the role that your good at mostly on rank, try other roles on other modes if you have friends that are okay with testing out and then you can try different roles.
Don't Use Heroes That Your Not Good At
Sometimes your bored and wanted to try something new. Playing it in ranked matches would mean lots of reports or if your lucky non at all.
You need to test out the hero on demo mode first, and then try turbo and through normal all pick. You can pick those heroes if you have friends that are ok with you trying out something different.
Don't Use Ping Too Much
If you spam pings to annoy people, they will surely report you.
So only use pings accordingly.
Have Fun Its Just A Game
Lets face it its just a game, if you lose just move on. Just think about the positives about what your team do, and how good and challenging the enemies are.
Say Sorry
Its one of the most powerful words that you can use, this will get you to avoid getting reported most of the time. If your toxic to begin with on your particular game they will not trust you even if you use that word, you must be clean to begin with.
Note that only use it if it wasn't intentional or you made mistakes and you truly feel sorry of your actions.
Don't Mute If Necessary
credit: purgeSometimes if you don't want to listen your toxic teammates / enemy players you use the mute feature. The only problem is that this game is teambase and you should at least listen to your teammate whether or not the'are toxic.
So don't mute them unless they don't help you win the game.
Just follow what they think is right, just follow some of it that you think is right. This would made them don't report you or even better they may commend you just by being following their orders even if you and your team is losing the game.
Don't Abandon The Game
Sometimes you have important business to go to, but you will need to abandon the game. By doing so not just your score that will be deducted, other additional deduction from other players as well because there's a chance that they will report you.
AFK is also not an option after 5 mins of AFKing you'll be given abandon and other reports from other players.
If you have a friend or a sibling that know how to play the game, switch with them, don't worry its just temporary.
Before you go to somewhere else, tell your friend first that don't use any kind of toxic words when playing with your account. But if the one who switch with you are not better or good enough, some players might report you but the deduction would be lower than abandoning the game.
If you abandon the game just tell them its important, and just maybe they will forgive you and won't report you.
But if you don't have a choice, you can still earn back your score after.
Plan Ahead Before You Play
Plan ahead before you play the game. Check your schedules before you play. If the schedule is flexible just don't play rank matches for now because your boss may call you or how long the game will last and the MMR that you may lost.
You need at least an hour and another additional mins to find a match. So by knowing that you still have time and be at ease without getting late from work or school.
Also its important for you t check your ping first before you play. And if your not the only one in the house which will make your ping high when someone is watching Youtube or downloading big files.
Don't Play The Game If You Have Technical Problems Or Outside Of Your Control.
Check the news whether or not that there is a storm/ bad weather or a possible black out and disasters. By doing so your score will not be affected.
Check whether or not your windows 10 or other OS are updating before you play the game if you have a slow internet connection.
Don't play the game if your internet is not stable, wait for a couple of hours or even days for you to play back again with better connection or try calling you Internet provider for help.
How Do I Maintain My Score?
It should be easy for maintaining your score.
Even if you raise your score to 10,000 it doesn't mean you should revert back as being toxic again.
Just follow some of my advice and I hope that you develop a good habit.
How to know if your been reported or commended?
Sometimes you wonder who commend or reported you and why, good thing you can easily access this information.
Go to Steam > Your profile > games > Dota 2> Personal Game Data > Account and choose sub category "Match player report" or "Incoming match player report".
Don't ever do something bad for these players that reported you just move on, and focus on the game instead and improve upon your game and behavior.
Even if you have the perfect score of 10,000 it doesn't mean you won't play toxic players. And here's why
They're having a bad day
Sadly yes it does happens.
newly created account
Some new players have fresh new accounts and still calibrating with their behavior score.
They're exploiting by playing turbo/ commending players
These players are playing turbo to get higher scores, and also commending every player so that they will might commend back even if they're toxic to begin with.
old players that just recently play the game again
Players that doesn't played the game for ages, and comebacks and have different personality than before or their score still calibrating
Different person playing their account
Some players give their accounts to other players to raise MMR or the original owner have an errand to go to and give it to his friend. If you notice his behavior changes in a bad way, you will know that they swap players.
It isn't just improving your behavior score, by changing your personality as a whole to be a better person you'll notice that your having more fun than just winning the game.
When your behavior change for the better overall it'll be natural that you don't need a constant check on your behavior. Not just Dota 2, but other games as well.
So by being more understating person you'll open up to possibilities and knows that being toxic is unnecessary.
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