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Gamer and a Man of Culture as well I generally like most games.

I made this website to inform about updates and news about the games that I find interest with and other gaming related stuff.


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Dota 2: How to Increase Your Behavior Score

Behavior score is very important for every players alike. Your behavior score will indicate where you should play against bad or well behave players. What Is Behavior Score? Behavior Score is a number rating of over 1-10,000, having 10,000 is the maximum score, that means your not toxic. How Important Is My Behavior Score? Having higher behavior score will able to make you play with similar high behavior score players. And doing so you'll get better experience overall. Why My Behavior Score Is Low? Leaving The Game Leaving the game, will deduct your behavior score by a large margin, its mostly between 1000 points that will be deducted. Being Toxic For Being toxic, your exposing yourself to reports. And by continuing so your score will be deducted every time you do bad deeds. Disruptive Gameplay "Disruptive gameplay includes ability abuse, intentional feeding, going afk or similar behavior" Cheating or MMR Abuse "Cheating includes arti...

Dota 2 2020 Review: Pros and Cons

Dota 2 is one of most popular title in the market. With unique gameplay, faithful to the original, with one of the biggest esports scene. The game started as a mod called Defense of the Ancients and now owned and being improved by most respected game developer, Valve. Before you want to try the game out here’s some of the pros and cons of the game before you start playing. PROS Nicely well stylized graphics This game’s graphics, aged astonishingly pretty well, unlike other MOBAs in the market, the game's art style makes you take the game seriously while not being too much edgy nor being too much goofy and out of placed designs. All Heroes Are Free All heroes are free! Yes free! Pay to win is nonexistent, only you can buy is skins for heroes and other stuff like maps, music packs, announcer packs, loading screens, couriers and more. Community Marketplace/ Trade Community Market is not just Dota 2 items, with different games that are supported like CSGO a...

Free to Play PC Games During Quarantine

Whenever your're a gamer or not its no surprising that during this quarantine your too bored and want to try some games. Most of us don't have enough money due to having no job during the quarantine or using the money on more essential stuff instead. But Don't worry! I got your back! This is the list of Free to Play PC games for you to survive from being too bored. League of Legends Release Date: 2009  |  Genre: MOBA  |  Developer: Riot Games  |  LOL You might have  heard this game before, its the most easiest MOBA genre to get into. The game offers a lot of game modes. The popular map is Summoner's Rift, 5 v 5 player fight to win the game by destroying their base called Nexus by doing so you have won the game. The only problem of this game is the graphics If you're more into graphics, but the art style is still attractive enough specially if you're an anime fan. And also the Toxicity that you may encounter on this game, so if you just...