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Free to Play PC Games During Quarantine

Whenever your're a gamer or not its no surprising that during this quarantine your too bored and want to try some games. Most of us don't have enough money due to having no job during the quarantine or using the money on more essential stuff instead.

But Don't worry! I got your back! This is the list of Free to Play PC games for you to survive from being too bored.

League of Legends

Release Date: 2009 | Genre: MOBA Developer: Riot Games LOL
League of Legends
You might have  heard this game before, its the most easiest MOBA genre to get into.
The game offers a lot of game modes. The popular map is Summoner's Rift, 5 v 5 player fight to win the game by destroying their base called Nexus by doing so you have won the game.

The only problem of this game is the graphics If you're more into graphics, but the art style is still attractive enough specially if you're an anime fan.

And also the Toxicity that you may encounter on this game, so if you just want to have fun and its not the game for you.

I forgot to mentioned that most of their champions are locked, again if you just want to play without spending money during quarantine don't play it.

But if you want to spend more time playing consider playing other MOBAs such as Dota 2 so that you'll know what games is the right for you.

Dota 2

Release Date: 2013 | Genre: MOBA Developer: Valve | Steam
Dota 2
The most hardest MOBA and game to get into in this list but if you able to manage it you'll able to have fun.

All heroes are free so you don't need to spend real money.

Dota 2 has so much to offer with different game modes like All Random, Single Draft and Turbo.

Turbo mode is special though, its great for newer players trying out the game with the least amount players that  going to report you for being bad at the game.

It'll be bad if you start your game on other game modes besides Turbo, try out your preferred hero in Demo mode and play it through Bot match to learn about the gaming toxic free.

Dota 2 also supports modding  with so many custom maps to choose from.

If you want to be competitive its worth to play but if you're just new to games in general find something else.

My Dota 2 Review
How to Improve your Behavior Score

Apex Legends

Release Date: 2019 | Genre: Battle Royale Developer: Respawn Entertaiment | Origin
Apex Legends
The good thing about battle royale games is that its easy to understand in a short amount of time and after that you'll be having more fun.

Lots of Characters to choose from, has great graphics and battle passes if you want to spend money its mostly cosmetics and some characters.

Team Fortress 2

Release Date: 2007 | Genre: Hero Shooter Developer: Valve Steam
Team Fortress 2
Great for casual players specially with friends.
The graphics of this game is outdated although the art style keeping it relevant due to its cartoony style.

If you have a kid he/she may enjoy the game because of its art style.

One of the best free to play  model that only sell cosmetics instead, rather than pay to win items. And you can also buy and sell your cosmetic on steam’s community market.

The only downside of this game is that Valve is rarely updates the game and focus on more lucrative projects like Dota , CSGO and other new IP’s in the works.

Don’t get discourage though, there still enough players to play the game and worth the shot.

Destiny 2

Release Date: 2017 Genre: Looter Shooter Developer: Bungie | Steam
Destiny 2
Another free to play game, this looter shooter game have unique customization for your guardian, and abilities to use.

Very rich lore, and fun to play with players or friends.


Release Date: 2018 | Genre: Hero Shooter | Developer: Evil Mojo Games |  SteamEpic Game Store
If you don't have the budget for buying Overwatch, Paladins is a great alternative worth a try. The game also have a healthy playerbase so you don't have to worry about finding matches.


Release Date: 2013 | Genre: Looter Shooter, Co-op | Developer: 
Digital Extremes |  Steam
A Looter shooter RPG game with space ninjas what could you ask for?

The game is still lively with over 50,000+ avg. concurrent players.

To obtain cool cosmetics you just have to grind without buying it, or you really want to sped up the process you still can.

Worth to spend your time with the best community around.

Call of Duty Warzone

Release Date: 2020 Genre: First Person Shooter Developer: Infinity Ward
Call of Duty Warzone
This game been trending lately with a whopping 150 players in one map! You'll never miss any action on this game.

Action pack game with realistic graphics with smooth animations on guns and characters.

Worth to play specially with friends.

To unlock more content consider buying the base game with a great cinematic campaign and a solid call of duty multiplayer.

The underlying problem of this game is how big the file size of this game. Its a whopping 100 GB! and counting. You can't skip downloading the base game which is Call of duty Modern warfare (2019) of at least 22 GB download file size!

If you don't have the free space or slow internet connection  you may skip this game otherwise it'll worth the time and investment.


Release Date: 2012 | Genre: Tactical Shooter Developer: Valve Steam
Counter Strike Global Offensive
The game boast as the number one most concurrent players on steam.

The game also has great modding community with  great modes and maps to play.

CSGO also has its own Battle royale called Dangerzone, but the number of players per game is the lowest than other BR games with just having 18 players. Its still a great game mode due to having smaller maps with its own unique mechanics.

They only provide cosmetics for the guns, characters, music and gloves for you to show off.

There also offline bots in this game if you don't like playing with real players. Pretty good practice for new players before jumping in the real action.

The downside of this games is the cheaters, without spending prime account to gain advantage to play with reasonable players with less cheaters and toxic players.

You'll still able to play and level up to earn prime account but it would take long for you if you're just playing casually.

But then again if you want to spend money for a better experience, its worth the expense.

Dota Underlords

Release Date: 2019 | Genre: Auto Battler Developer: Valve Steam
Dota 2 Underlords
Using the same heroes from the original Dota 2 with the use of underlords (your personal character for the game) each offer unique play style and added new content to expand the lore of Dota 2.

If you’re a dota 2 fan and loves auto battlers this game is for you.

The game also have android and ios version of the game.


Release Date: 2017 | Genre: Battle Royale | Developer: Epic Games Epic Game Store
Its one of the most popular game in the world you may heard this game a lot in  news outlets or your local news channel.

Its easy to get into but hard to master due to building mechanics of this game.

The game also has its own Esports scene. Last year the game has the largest prize pool but it didn't take long as due to Dota 2’s prize pool overtaking it as the largest esports prize pool in the world.

With the advent of battle royale games, Fortnite continues to be the top of its class but not for long because of the new contenders, such as Call of Duty Warzone.


Release Date: 2020 | Genre:  Tactical shooter| Developer: 
Riot Games | Website
Valorant is still new but it garnered a lot of people to play and viewers to watch on Twitch.

The only concern of this game is its anti cheat system that consist off kernel mode driver during the boot system. This means that the Vangurad system would still run in the background, even if you're not playing the game. But you need to turn it on in order to play the game.

For more info about the vanguard click here.

I wound't recommend Valorant for you to play yet, but if you really want to in expense of your privacy its your choice.

War Thunder

Release Date: 2013 | Genre:  Multiplayer| Developer: 
Gaijin Entertainment | Steam
War Thunder
Cross-platform MMO military game with the use of different vehicles from armored vehicles to aircraft from different timelines like the World War II and the Cold War.


Release Date: 2015 | Genre:  3rd Person MOBA| Developer: 
Titan Forge Games | Steam
The only surviving 3rd person MOBA game Develop By Titan Forge Games and Published By
Hi-Rez Studios, the one who made Paladins.

The playerbase is still small compared to its two juggernaut MOBAs such as Dota 2 and League of Legends but it still has notable 10,000+ players.


Release Date: 2019 | Genre:  Fighting Game| Developer: 
KOG | Steam
If your an anime fan you could test out Kurtzpel.

 The graphics are on par with the likes of dragon ball kakarot and Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4.

With lots of game modes to choose from PVP modes, PVEs orbattle with big bosses rpg style gameplay.

You can also customize your character, specially for anime fans that want to make their Waifus and Husbandos!

VR Chat

 Release Date: 2017| Genre:  Multiplayer | Developer:
VR Chat | Steam
VR Chat
Great for interacting with people in virtual space.
You can create your own avatars for using 3d modeling software like Maya, 3ds Max and Blender name a few.

Of course you need to buy VR in order to play the game.


Release Date: 2005 | Genre:  Game creation system, Massively multiplayer online game, Racing video game | Developer: 
Roblox Corporation |  Website
If you want family friendly game Roblox is for you with lots of game modes to choose from.

You can also create your own game modes.

But be warned don't use any bad words that may lead your account banned.

World of Warships

Release Date: 2017 | Genre:  Massively multiplayer online Naval Combat game | Developer: 
Wargaming Group Limited | Steam
World of Warships
If you only want to focus on just ships try World of Warships.
With Different Types of Ships to choose from, such as destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers

With Iconic Battleships such as the Bismarck and the Yamato.

Yu-gi-oh! Duel links

Release Date: 2017 | Genre: Card Game| Developer: 
Konami Digital Entertainment | Steam

Yu-gi-oh! Duel links

Very Nostalgia Game with memorable characters like Dark Hero Magician and Blue Eyes white Dragon.

You could also try magic the gathering if you want to compare the two of which you like the best.

Tree of Savior

Release Date: 2016 | Genre:MMORPG | Developer: IMCGAMES Co.,Ltd. | Steam
Tree of Savior
The Tree of Savior's unique art style makes it appealing while feeling like you've played Ragnarok with enhance graphics which developed by the same developer Kim Hakkyu.

Worth to try out specially if you like rpg games.

eve Online

Release Date: 2003 | Genre: Space flight simulation game, Massively multiplayer online role-playing game | Developer: CCP | Steam
eve Online
This game has a lot to offer like mining, piracy, manufacturing, trading, exploration, and combat with a massive world with MMO and RPG elements.

Its a bit overwhelming but you'll get use to it overtime.

Crusader Kings II

Release Date: 2012 | Genre: Grand Strategy | Developer: Sandbox Paradox Development Studio | Steam
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II is a historical grand strategy game that focuses on Medieval times.

The game is now free to play due to its announcement of the new sequel: Crusader Kings III.

If you really like the game they also provide DLC which maybe pricey to your liking.

Albion Online

Release Date: 2017 | Genre: MMORPG| Developer: Sandbox Interactive GmbH | Steam
Albion Online
If you don't like Tree of Savior maybe Albion Online is for you, The game has cartoonish art style but still gorgeous enough with a large map to play with.


Release Date: 2017 | Genre: Fighting Game | Developer: Blue Mammoth Games | Steam
If you are more onto cartoons this game may be the right choice. Its like Smash but free! with different characters on different IP's like Fin the human and Jake the dog in adventure Time and other IP's such as cartoon network and WWE.

Great fighting game for you to consider specially to very casual players.

Teamfight Tactics

Release Date: 2019 | Genre: Auto Battler | Developer: Riot Games | LOL
Teamfight Tactics
Riots answer to Dota Underlords and Autochess, that uses Riot games IP, League of Legends as their roster. The game established fast, having monthly players of 33 million that makes you wonder how good the game is.

TeamFight Tactics is very accessible with low system requirements and if your’re already a fan of League of Legends or likes anime, the game is right up to your alley.

All in all

Its your own choice of what game you like to test it out, before the quarantine is over. Have fun playing!


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