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Ideas that you want to be included if Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 5 was developed.

naruto storm 4

Let's face it, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 was the last game in the series, great game nonetheless. Do you think that the game lack something?

Your not alone, if the game developer CyberConnect2, develop the ultimate storm game, that would be the final one and what features that needs to be included that Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 is missing or lack off?

This are the ideas and features for the last and ultimate game that fans that wanna see.

The Full Story

naruto storm 4 story
The game would be great if all the story of every Storm game combined, with a lot more depth, faithful to the original, without cutting corners, and includes fillers!

With the addition of movies for story mode would be cool, like from The Last: Naruto the Movie, with much possibilities to experience again in game form.

All Characters Are Playable

naruto storm 4 player select

Yes! Every characters in naruto universe are playable. Character examples are the body guard of every kage, and even older generation kage, everything that you could think off!

CGI Cut Scenes

naruto storm 4  cut scenes

The last game leave a lot to be desired, using mostly anime still images rather than using CGI video or just using characters move in game.

Bring Back Failed Quick Time Events

storm 4 quick time event
Storm 4 doesn't have one, but storm 3 and below does have one and it should be present for in the game.

Better Quick Time Events

naruto and sasuke vs madara storm 4
The quick time events on storm 4 is lackluster.
The game would be good if some quick time events are faithfully to the original and the anime has or improved upon it.

Open World Mechanics

naruto storm 4 adventure

Open World Mechanics on storm 4 is very limited. You can't jump or get in to buildings unlike the first storm game. Having an option to travel across the map without fast travel which will give more depth. Also adding with different timeline for each map and expand the lore further.

That would be good if there's a good chase mechanics in the main story.

RPG Elements

That would be cool if you can level up your character in story mode, and other rpg elements.

Actual CGI Finished Scene

naruto storm 4 finished scene

Storm 4 uses the Anime Screenshots for the finish scene. It would be cool when actual CGI characters talking, with different animation while performing their ultimates.

More Linked Secret Techniques

naruto storm 4 team secret techniques
There are tons of missing Team Secret techniques in storm 4, lots of pairings that should work like, Kisame and Itachi or Naruto and Jiraiya.


One thing that all storm games that doesn't have are taunts. Think about it, every corresponding taunt to a specific characters, like for example, when your playing as sasuke and your opponent is naruto and his taunt is only specific to naruto and that would be great addition to the game and of course triggering your opponents.

Special Interactions, Ultimate Jutsus (Easter Eggs)

naruto storm 4 easter egg

Another great addition to the game by adding easter eggs on every ultimate jutsus, or a very different ultimate jutsu on its own, with correlation to each character like naruto and hinata.

Less Censorship/ Remove Censorship Option

storm 4 sasuke mangekyo sharingan

The censorship in the scene where neji was killed and the use of black blood rather than just red, and Raikage losing his arm.

If Cyberconnect2 could at least give us an option to enabled it if we want to do so.

Instant Awakening

storm 4 naruto kurama

I miss storm 3's instant awakenings, having an instant awakening on low tier characters, that would surely balance the game a bit.

More Character Customization

To be honest having more options is pretty neat.

Able To Fast Forward Dialogs

naruto storm 4 shikumaru dialog

You can actual skip every game, but sometimes you want to see some parts of the scene, and then fast forward feature comes in, this feature is being use just like Dragon Ball Z Kakarot with just a hold of a button.
dragon ball z kakarot dialog

Rage Quit Penalty

naruto storm 4 online menu

Its frustrating that every game whenever your winning, due to that they rather quit the game.

Its pretty obvious that the game needs to implement a penalty system for people who quit the match,.

Boruto Content
storm 4 boruto dlc menu
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4's boruto dlc

With Naruto's existing roster along side boruto's, this will be the biggest naruto roster yet. Imagine playing with new characters from boruto and our beloved character from naruto shippuden with new sets of abilities and appearance.


There's game called NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER but its not the same as storm games that we fall in love with, it only focus is multiplayer gameplay.

Despite the fact that we will never ever get another new storm game regardless, I can't stop dreaming about what the next game would be like. Maybe we could have a storm game but focus more on Boruto instead.

What features, contents that you want to implement, comment down below.


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