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Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing on a Cyber Cafes

red  background computer graphic multiplayer gameOn this day and age a lot of people own a PC, there still people in the world that they still don't have a computer or to slow to play the games they want.

On this post I will help you to decide whether or not its worth to play on Cyber Cafes or not.

Low Cost

Very affordable with different promos to choose from, or open an account for a discount.

Low Latency

A lot of Cyber cafe these days have super-fast internet connection with low pings and faster downloads so you don’t have to constantly check if your mom using the internet.

High Performance PCs

You’ll able to play Graphically demanding games and still have great FPS and responsiveness.

No One Will Bother You

Your parents, your friends, siblings you name it! They can’t bother you if your away at home, especially when you’re playing multiplayer games.

Technical Staff

If you’re not a techie they will surely helps.
Some well-known Cyber cafes have those people to help you when you got a problem, like troubleshooting/ fixing technical problems and questions that you need to know.

Mostly it’s the owner will help you when your playing on a smaller cyber cafe

They Serve Food

Some cafes also serve food, it’s pretty convenient and even some fancy ones serve you the best food you could ever have, but of course those have a hefty price.

Pirated Games

Most developing countries are using pirated games and Its an advantage for some people who don’t own games specially for kids, but don’t worry most of these games are single player so you’re safe when playing online games.


Cyber Cafes nowadays, provides private gaming rooms if you need some extra privacy or playing with friends but it would cost you more.


If you’re always at home and want to go out and socialize, Cyber Cafe is a great place to play and hang out with friends, if you don’t have friends You’re able to meet new people with the same interest as yours.

You’re On Vacation

If you visited a country and other cities and wanted to use a computer, the internet and of course playing a game.

24 Hours Open

Most cyber cafes that centered around gaming usually opens 24 hours everyday. So any hour of the day, they’re available.


I already mentioned it above but the problem of playing video games on these cafes is that you can’t play or watch 18 rated media or watching twitch thots or you’re just stalking some cute girls on Instagram.

Don't Leave Your Accounts Log In Or Unattended

Your safe if your playing at home but when you’re in a public area you shouldn’t leave your account log in whenever you go to the toilet or without logging out when you leave the cafe don’t expect that their PC has Reboot to Restore Software or not. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

 I heard some of my friends that some dude’s account’s skins were deleted after he finished his toilet break and some stories like someone manage to transfer the victim’s skins into theirs.

So if your account have valuable stuff you’ll need at least one friend to guard your account while you can also guard his.

If you’re logging in your account name and password don’t ever check “remember me” or when using your browser don’t save your password always check before you leave.

Usually you should use incognito mode if you want to log on to your accounts.


Some Cyber Cafes are pretty crowded on non-peak hours, it’s sometimes hard to get a PC on those hours and if you have valuable stuff like your bag just put it in your front to stay safe from robbers.

Avoid crowds as possible or if not avoid non-peak hours so that they’re available Computers to use.

Some Games Are Not Available

If you’re a gamer that plays a lot of popular games like CSGO, Dota 2 or LOL you don’t have a problem, but if you’re very niche type of gamer it will be a problem for you.

You’ll need to download them before you play, or even worse, you can’t download and play your favorite games due to admin restrictions.

Blocked Websites

They don’t want you to visit your favorite sites like, when you know when you’re alone at home.

Limited Access

Just like I’ve mentioned above some cafes don’t allow you to download files, specially exe files, access to system files, and installing software or games.

You’ll Need To Travel To Get There

The problem of playing on these Cyber Cafes is that you need to travel in order to play and of course the money you’ll need to spend in order to get there too.

But if your close then it’s great! but Cyber Cafes this days are fewer unlike when you’re in Asian countries but you’ll still need transportation to get there specially if you want to play on a better gaming equipment out there.

And of course the traffic and your precious time will be wasted before you arrive and play a game.

Installed Cheats

Some people install cheats and leave there and the potential victim may use one of those Computers that are infected. Let’s say they’re not going to have a good day after that, so if the PC is still on, turn it off first if the PC doesn’t have Reboot to restore software or deep freeze.

 If it’s not an option use “verify steams integrity files” before you play or just use PC that are off or not in use.

 Cost In The Long Run

Stated above its very convenient but playing there for a long time would accumulate the cost you have payed and it’s better for you to buy a PC for a long-term use.

They Have Rules

Yes, they have rules some that I’ve mentioned above are applied in some Cyber Cafes so follow those rules or find somewhere else to play.


If you like to visit and play its great if you’re just a student or already have a PC to play with and people that are on vacation, and to hangout with friends.

If not it’s better to save money for the long term, trust me it’s a better investment and you don’t have to go there and waste money on renting a PC, your time, privacy and transportation cost.

Have a good day gaming!


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