Dota 2 is one of most popular title in the market. With unique gameplay, faithful to the original, with one of the biggest esports scene. The game started as a mod called Defense of the Ancients and now owned and being improved by most respected game developer, Valve.
Before you want to try the game out here’s some of the pros and cons of the game before you start playing.
Nicely well stylized graphics

This game’s graphics, aged astonishingly pretty well, unlike other MOBAs in the market, the game's art style makes you take the game seriously while not being too much edgy nor being too much goofy and out of placed designs.
All Heroes Are Free

All heroes are free! Yes free! Pay to win is nonexistent, only you can buy is skins for heroes and other stuff like maps, music packs, announcer packs, loading screens, couriers and more.
Community Marketplace/ Trade

Community Market is not just Dota 2 items, with different games that are supported like CSGO and PUBG.
You could easily sell your items in exchange of money and buy yourself with other goodies on steam and of course there’s a catch though, whenever you buy or sell a game item in the market there will be deduction from valve and profit from it.
There’s also 3rd party marketplace but be warn that there are a lot of scam websites.
You could also trade with other players, but the problem is you will likely get scam if you’re not careful enough so only trade with close friends in mind.

Dota 2 releases Battle Pass every year with a lot of things to do with, with lots of goodies, from exclusive items, to high quality skins, and pro player fantasy cards, and contributing to the prize pool for the every upcoming International and more.

The only game in the genre that I could know of that has custom maps is of course Dota 2 and where autochess came from. Its pretty fun to play with friends and so many to choose from and you could play on legacy maps just like World of Warcraft III days.

Less stressful game mode, very quick casual matches, and good to try out other heroes, Less likely get reported and more likely to get commended, very fun game mode.
Very memorable characters, such as earth shaker, enigma, meepo with iconic abilities such as pudge's hook, suns strike from invoker that are unique with each hero.
In Game Events

Dota 2 releases Battle Pass every year with a lot of things to do with, with lots of goodies, from exclusive items, to high quality skins, and pro player fantasy cards, and contributing to the prize pool for the every upcoming International and more.
Mod Support/ Arcade Mode

The only game in the genre that I could know of that has custom maps is of course Dota 2 and where autochess came from. Its pretty fun to play with friends and so many to choose from and you could play on legacy maps just like World of Warcraft III days.
Turbo mode

Less stressful game mode, very quick casual matches, and good to try out other heroes, Less likely get reported and more likely to get commended, very fun game mode.
Unique Heroes And Iconic Abilities
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Well Polished Gameplay

The game is well balance than any other MOBAs out there, with a very few bugs.
Demo Mode

You could try out heroes and skins, before you head to battle.
Spectator Mode

Lots of options while spectating, also you could watch official esport matches
Steam Client

Its lucky that dota 2 is in the hands of valve with a great game client as steam with awesome useful features and a lot of games to buy with, all in one place.
Offline Bots

You could play with bots even offline! And with many bot scripts to choose from.
Guides/ Builds

You can create, edit and follow, and from popular guides made by pros.
Esport Scene
It has very epic Esport scene,The International a yearly event with the largest prize pool every year, millions of viewers, very entertaining to watch, and memorable sick plays.
There are news that Valve is making "new player experience update" coming soon but the release date is uncertain, and hope that will resolve of new players quitting too fast.

The game is losing players every month because of aging playerbase, because of how hard dota is it’s very difficult for new comers. But due to increasing interest of players due to the pandemic.

the tutorial in the game is very outdated, you will need to search for guides online or videos from youtube, I recommend these youtube channels to learn the game, Dota Alchemy, GameLeap Dota 2 Pro Guides, and Purge Gamers.

Valve doesn’t advertise the game outside of esports, its very sad that it may could help the dwindling playerbase.

Every game has its own toxicity, its a matter of how you deal with them, and by having higher behavior score you’ll get less to no toxicity. Dota 2 communities however are very funny than other communities out there.
If your new or bad in the game you’re surely be reported so learn the game first and play with friends before playing rank matches.

Unlike LOL, Dota 2 have higher system requirements and will be hard for people with lower specs to play properly, making the game less accessible, but still has very beautiful graphics than LOL has.
Some players don't want to spend hours to learn instead they rather play easy to learn games like csgo, pugb and fortnite, but if you able to make it, you will love the game more and very rewarding experience.
You need to remember with lots of mechanics from denying creeps, stacking creeps, turn rates, attributes, etc.

While it’s not technically pay to win, Dota plus is a subscription base for other stuff you could unlock and level up for your heroes and earn shards to buy exclusive skins, hero relics, and chat wheel sounds but it doesn’t affect gameplay.
Its worth it if you really want to invest into the game, if your new to game just subscribe for one month. I don't recommend subscribing to Dota Plus if your a very casual player or a very busy and has responsibilities.

I already mentioned Behavior Score, by having behavior score max out at 10,000 you'll get less toxicity, the system itself isn't perfect, you could still get intentional feeders, griefers, and smurfs.
If you get lower score it will do the opposite, with far more toxic people that you could imagine, and if it gets getting extremely low you'll get ban in the game.
For me its good that well behave players are playing with the same behavior score as oppose to lower behavior scores, and they will think the game is overall toxic which in turn, making the game's reputation as the most toxic community look bad.
When you finally climb that steep learning curve, it makes you want to play the game more and more.
Bad New player Experience
The game has very big learning curve than any moba genre which is pretty bad for a game that needs players in order to live.There are news that Valve is making "new player experience update" coming soon but the release date is uncertain, and hope that will resolve of new players quitting too fast.
Dwindling Playerbase

The game is losing players every month because of aging playerbase, because of how hard dota is it’s very difficult for new comers. But due to increasing interest of players due to the pandemic.
Unfinished/Outdated Tutorial

the tutorial in the game is very outdated, you will need to search for guides online or videos from youtube, I recommend these youtube channels to learn the game, Dota Alchemy, GameLeap Dota 2 Pro Guides, and Purge Gamers.
Smurfs are players that are good in the game and decided to make a new account and ruin the games of newer players, to be fair a lot of games have smurfs but its pretty hard for new players when they encounter them which in term gives them a bad experience.They Don't Advertise

Valve doesn’t advertise the game outside of esports, its very sad that it may could help the dwindling playerbase.

Every game has its own toxicity, its a matter of how you deal with them, and by having higher behavior score you’ll get less to no toxicity. Dota 2 communities however are very funny than other communities out there.
If your new or bad in the game you’re surely be reported so learn the game first and play with friends before playing rank matches.
Neutral (Bonus)
Higher System Requirements

Unlike LOL, Dota 2 have higher system requirements and will be hard for people with lower specs to play properly, making the game less accessible, but still has very beautiful graphics than LOL has.
Steep Learning Curve
The game is very complex with a very steep learning curve than any other game on this genre, it would take you hours to be good enough to play well.Some players don't want to spend hours to learn instead they rather play easy to learn games like csgo, pugb and fortnite, but if you able to make it, you will love the game more and very rewarding experience.
You need to remember with lots of mechanics from denying creeps, stacking creeps, turn rates, attributes, etc.
Dota Plus

While it’s not technically pay to win, Dota plus is a subscription base for other stuff you could unlock and level up for your heroes and earn shards to buy exclusive skins, hero relics, and chat wheel sounds but it doesn’t affect gameplay.
Its worth it if you really want to invest into the game, if your new to game just subscribe for one month. I don't recommend subscribing to Dota Plus if your a very casual player or a very busy and has responsibilities.
Behavior Score

I already mentioned Behavior Score, by having behavior score max out at 10,000 you'll get less toxicity, the system itself isn't perfect, you could still get intentional feeders, griefers, and smurfs.
If you get lower score it will do the opposite, with far more toxic people that you could imagine, and if it gets getting extremely low you'll get ban in the game.
For me its good that well behave players are playing with the same behavior score as oppose to lower behavior scores, and they will think the game is overall toxic which in turn, making the game's reputation as the most toxic community look bad.
My Rating 9.5/10
Very Rich Competitive Experience, Very fun to play specially with friends, you must don't get triggered easily, not a good substitute for stress reliever, play solo games instead.When you finally climb that steep learning curve, it makes you want to play the game more and more.
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