It has been weeks, valve announcement on may 1st that the battle pass will be delayed. Thankfully valve communicated with us on dota 2 subreddit.
With the picture above that shows Lina with a bunch of numbers.
Good to see that valve is mememing and of course those numbers are would likely be clues for inevitable release date of the battle pass or its just references according to this guy:
Some of the redditors said it would likely release on Tuesday or Thursday and some people don't believe that valve may delay it further until early June.
The Battle Pass Content Is Still Unknown
We still don't know what valve in store for us. Many specualte of what the theme would be and features that players want to see it again or remove it for TI 10 Battle Pass.
Last year we have great exclusive skins like earth sharker arcana, axe, invoker persona and more.
The game mode left to be desired with a re-skin of Year Beast. But overall the best battle pass yet.
Hope this time it'll be better if not the greatest battle pass ever release! with better game modes! better immortal skins and more!
The Wait Is On!
Even so players want early release, I think so too hopefully.
Now its the time to waste your money for the long awaited game modes, hats and exclusive items!
Worth the hype! sleep well guys you know whats coming next week and be surprise!
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