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Youtube Game Channels That you should subscribe

Youtube Gaming channels this days are prominent with variety to choose from. From FPS, RTS to MOBAs and other genres.

There are good gaming channel content to lets plays, tutorial, guides, documentaries and more.
Check this channels and subscribe :)


3kliksphilip is a youtube channel that focuses on Counter Strike Global Offensive content. His videos are mostly about the game's update, which he shows in great detail.

He also mentions CSGO's changes that are not part of the patch notes, he also find where the map changes which is pretty neat if your very competitive player in CSGO.

He also has other channels named kliksphilip and 2kliksphilip.


A former professional Dota 2 player, and now a streamer. Needs elp all the time 10/10.


He focuses on simple things and expand it, great channel that focus on documentary with gaming combined.

Every video he make with a very splendid documentary level production. His deep voice fits very well. Must watch, but you need popcorn before you watch because some of his videos are half to 1 hour long.


Fat Autistic YouTuber that makes CSGO content and other games. Overall a funny person, but I think sometimes he takes too far.

He also have a 2nd channel with his Papa. If you like CSGO you should watch his channel, very funny and entertaining content.

Ask Gamedev

Pretty Decent channel, that focus on game development and watch mojo + infographics show -esque videos.

big boss

Pretty new channel but pretty much entertaining about Bethesda and the worst company ever, EA.


The funniest Dota 2 channel, and focus more on playing the game. his also a streamer.


YouTube channel that makes tutorials about making games for unity. With very simple explanations. Great for people who wants to become game developers.


They make videos about facts on video games.

They also have second channel and another called DidYouKnowFood?


Animation channel, that started as a Dota 2 channel  but now expanded with other games such as apex legends and overwatch.

Dota Alchemy

This channel provides on, to improve you in playing Dota 2. Helps you to rank up with every position and very fast release of videos about new patches.

Dota Cinema

Generalize Dota 2 content, from epic fails to great plays. They also have videos for every content that the game releases such as new heroes, new skins, maps, etc.

Dota D.Bowie

Another Dota 2 guide for you to consider.

Dota watafak

This one focus on Epic fails and sick plays, worth the watch for Dota 2 players alike.

Drew Durnil

This particular guy that are fixated on maps too much.

He also made some videos about grand strategy games, with the likes of Paradox Interactive, examples are Hearts of Iron IV and Europa Universalis III.


Very funny person and with great edits that makes his video very enjoyable. Even if he plays fortnite, a game that I don't like, but because how funny he is, his the only one that I watch even he plays that game.

GameLeap Dota 2 Pro Guides

Another one Dota 2 guide, with an emphasize on how pro players do, and how to emulate it to your games.


One of the great gaming news channel. Lots of different topics, news to watch.


Another gaming news channel.


Another gaming news channel.

Girlfriend Reviews

This couple is pretty hilarious, and reviews about what her boyfriend plays and opinions and also her's.


Professional dota 2 player and one of most popular dota 2 streamer on twitch.


This Youtuber only play the game that shouldn't be played and done stupid things on every game he touches.


This channel focuses about history of popular game titles, and he also covers their rise and fall on some games.

Heavenly Controller

This is the only Weeb that I have seen that has lots of sexy friends on his side (harem). Its not just anime he covers, he also play games that are mostly anime related content. Man of culture as well 10/10.


Gaming news channel, but the problem of this channel is their out of touch opinions, some of their videos have higher dislikes specially some reviews about games that doesn't fit on their agenda. Only watch their video only for the news, its the only thing that is good in this channel.

Inside Gaming

Another gaming news to the list but better than IGN to be honest, the only downside is there camera quality. They have memorable cast, more open minded and funny individuals, worth to watch.


He makes very funny World Strategy game videos. He also have second channel called ISP, there he plays with different games.


Green Pewdiepie who reacts to videos and play numerous games such as minecraft.


The only thing that I could think of this channel is he's just hilarious.


He makes Documentaries about games, he rarely makes new videos but worth to wait.

Kugo the Mighty 

Very family friendly CSGO gameplay I've ever seen.


If you have low spec PC/ Laptop but you want to play games that are higher system requirements than it normally do. You should watch his videos for best well optimized low spec gaming experience.


Another Dota 2 guide.

Modest Pelican Gaming 

Very fun to watch, with a great voice.

MxR Mods

I rarely watch him, the only thing I know on his channel is, its very immersive. Oh I recommend MxR Plays on his or her channel, they rarely play games. But if they do, is porn games. They're funny combination with Henry and Jeannie this couple are very fun to watch and very immersive 10/10.

Nakey Jaykey

He cover whenever what topic he comes in mind but very entertaining nonetheless. Some of his video are very relatable.


I rarely watch him, but pretty great content.


Gaming videos that provides direct comparison of every iteration of games such as call of duty and resident evil. But his videos are better than most comparison video because he provides his voice.


The man that has no legs. 2nd Largest youtube channel, you don't need to know who is first. He have played some games recently with Terraria, Subnautica and Minecraft.

The best YouTuber out there period.


Another Dota 2 Guide.


Video Editing god, and plays gta mods and babushka likes it.


This channel focus on stragety games but more on RTS games, the downside is that it gets boring on he's commentary other than that great channel for RTS fans.


Pretty much like ahoy but has longer videos and great in depth about his experience playing the game.


His content pretty much like GrayStillPlays, check them both and see who you prefer more.

Rimmy - Downunder Gaming

This youtuber makes videos about military games specially RTS and grand Strategy games and other military related games to the mix.

Scott The Woz

Nitendo fan boy, great channel for Nitendo fans and some console gamers alike.


Anime related content including games. He also cover some pretty hilarious videos, you should watch his degenerate videos more to dirty-fy your soul.


A very smart Indian gamer man.

The Act Man

He reviews mostly action pack games such as call of duty and battlefield, with in depth reviews that other game reviewers miss.

The Leaderboard

If its about timeline of very important events of your favorite game, The Leaderboard is the way to go. They have other channels that cover other media such as Channel Federator, Get in the Robot, Cinematica and others.

The Spiffing Brit

This channel makes strategy games not just playing, he exploits the games he plays without cheating. And the use of stock photos makes the play through entertaining.

thescore esports

Most gaming channels focus on reviews and lets plays, but this one is different, they focus more about esports in general from the story of pro players and esports game related news and controversies.


CSGO Youtube channel but plays some other fps games such as valorant :(


This guy plays pretty unusual games and fun to watch.

Valve News Network

Its a gaming news channel, that provides valve related content, the only downside on this channel is that his very bias and mostly speculations. Very misleading name that mostly focus on Team Fortress and Half life games in general.

I still subscribe to him due to the fact that I like valve as a whole and Team Fortress related news even though I last played it on 2016
If you play CSGO and Dota 2 watch Dota cinema and 3kliksphilip instead for news.


Mostly Battlefield content, and other FPS games to watch. You will really like the channel if your're Battlefield fan or FPS fan in general.


The only Filipino gaming channel that I watch. The only problem is their camera quality, and very bias shout casting but overall very enjoyable to watch.


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